Extend your reach to your patients with Care Everyday

We recognize that clinicians belong at the center of a patient’s healthcare ecosystem. Care Everyday acts as an extension of your clinical relationships, empowering you to keep your patients living healthier, despite chronic conditions.

With Care Everyday, we work with you to:

Reduce ER visits & hospital readmissions

Improve overall access to care within your clinics

Reduce the cost of care for patients

Enable a more comprehensive care model

How Care Everyday helps providers

Care Everyday’s services are built to compliment the care patients receive at your health system. Serving as an additional touchpoint, alongside easy-to-use home health devices, Care Everyday improves patient outcomes, while also making the provider’s job easier.

What makes Care Everyday different?

Care Everyday is made to make it easy to enhance your patients’ care, with features like:

  • Easy-to-use devices with no WiFi or data plan needed

  • Regular reporting that keeps you informed and helps facilitate fruitful conversation during your in-office visits

  • Care Managers who review and validate device readings and work with patients on adhering to their care plans

  • Escalation protocols that provide your clinicians with clinically vetted, actionable patient data

Interested in offering Care Everyday to your patients?

Submit your information below.